BushWang | Critical Care PavilionMetroHealth Medical Center
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Critical Care Pavilion
MetroHealth Medical Center

Cleveland, OH


Project Type: Health Care


Mike Bush was the Design Principal for the Critical Care Pavilion at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. This 120,000 sf building occupies a prominent corner site on the southern edge of this urban campus, serving as a gateway for incoming patients, families and staff.


The building’s program features an Emergency Department on the Ground Level that accommodates over 100,000 annual visits and includes a Level I Trauma Center with a roof-top heliport. The upper floor was designed as a new Surgery Platform with twenty state of the art Operating Rooms. The building structure and massing is designed to expand vertically to accommodate future Intensive Care beds.


A multi-story, skylit rotunda organizes the public circulation to the Criticial Care Pavilion from its front door and the existing, adjacent buildings. The rotunda also creates a sense of place on the campus from within the building and on the exterior zones of the campus.


Critical Care Pavilion Key Program Elements:


  • Central Rotunda/Main Lobby Area
  • (20) Room Surgery Platform
  • Emergency Department/Trauma Center
  • Intensive Care Unit Expansion
  • Helipad Connector
  • Institutional Master Plan